authority (43)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Papal conclave
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Adam hides from God
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    God forbids Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    God introduces Eve to Adam
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    God judging Adam
  • Ruggieri, Ferdinando
    Text page, portrait with allegory
  • Sing, Johann Kaspar
    Calendar of the Bishopric of Eichstaett
  • Vos, Marten de
    Imago Bonitatis Illius
  • Lazarus and Dives 1547
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    Commandment to keep the Sabbath 1550-1560?
  • Vos, Marten de
    Cain and Abel offer their sacrifice 1583
  • Vos, Marten de
    The Fall of Man 1583
  • Thomas Aquinas 1610
  • Thomas Aquinas 1610
  • Thomas Aquinas and pope Clemens IV. 1610
  • Theology thesis by Tobias Johannes Goeth , University of Vienna 1651
  • Decker, Paulus
    Design for a victory column in the front court 1711
  • Papal conclave 1721
  • Beduzzi, Antonio Maria Nicolao
    Title engraving 1735
  • Kleiner, Salomon
    Title page 1737
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrdom of St. Erasmus of Formia, calendar sheet for 2nd June 1753-1755
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrs Cantius, Cantianus und Cantianilla, calendar sheet for 31st May 1753-1755
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Pope Silverius, calendar sheet for 20th June 1753-1755
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