Bibles (66)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Goltzius, Hendrik
    Matthew the Evangelist 1588
  • Emblems with plants and animals 1592
  • Emblems with plants and animals 1592
  • Cesari, Giuseppe genannt il Cabaliere d´Arpino
    Moses 1602
  • Villalpandus, Johannes Baptist
    Map of Jerusalem 1604
  • Susanna and the Elders, Daniel defends Susanna 1663
  • Straet, Jan van der, genannt Stradanus
    Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia 17. Jh.
  • Theyssens, S.
    Samson's riddle / Last Supper 17. Jh., Ende
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Saint John, calendar sheet for 13th May 1753-1755
  • Title page 18. Jh.
  • Quast, Pieter Jansz
    Luke the Evangelist paints Madonna 1810/16
  • exodus
    Bielicky, Michael
    Exodus 1995
  • BIO-LIVRO, 1996
    Domingues, Diana
    Bio-Livro 1996
  • Genesis
    Kac, Eduardo
    Genesis 1999
  • Palette
    Anker, Suzanne
    Palette 2015
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone 2020
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone 2020
  • Feeding Consciousness
    Harris, Dominic
    Feeding Consciousness 2023