libraries (11)

Artist / DB / Year
  • View of a library with a collection of scrolls
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Wissensgewächs
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
  • propagation of the luminous world
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Propagation of the Luminous Word
  • Book Plumbing
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Book Plumbing
  • textarc_visualizatio
    Paley, Bradford W.
    TextArc Visualization of The History of Science
  • Kleiner, Salomon
    Göttweig Abbey, library
  • Interior view of a monastery library
  • Göttweig Abbey, allegory of science
  • Ehrenberg, Peter Schubert von
    Ignatius of Loyola and Aristoteles debate on the principal of logic in a library
  • Cartouche with the allegory of science