humanities (58)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Göttweig Abbey, allegory of science
  • Herr, M.
    Portrait of Sigismund Theophilus Staden
  • Interior view of a monastery library
  • Jean Mabillon
  • Joue, Jacques de la
    Cartouches with war themes
  • Leclerc, Sebastien
  • The Time Traveler
    Petros, Lales
    The Time Traveler
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone
  • Making of Eve Clone III
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Making of Eve Clone III
  • Future Room
    pluriel, kondition
    Future Room
  • Swarming Lounge
    pluriel, kondition
    Swarming Lounge
  • Future Room
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Future Room
  • Swarming Lounge
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Swarming Lounge
  • Priscianus
    Portrait of a scholar, Pricanus ?
  • Raffael (Santi (Sanzio), Raffaello)
    School of Athens
  • Salamanca, Antonio
    Solomonic column, after the St. Peter's Baldachin by Bernini
  • Salamanca, Antonio
    Solomonic column, after the St. Peter's Baldachin by Bernini
  • Have a Nice Day
    Sandor, Ellen
    Have a Nice Day
  • Have a Nice Day II
    Sandor, Ellen
    Have a Nice Day II
  • The PHSCologram Imagery for AIDS Virus
    Sandor, Ellen
    The PHSCologram Imagery for AIDS Virus
  • VR Tour Through the Doomsday Clock
    Sandor, Ellen
    VR Tour Through the Doomsday Clock
  • Eccentric Spaces
    Simó, Agueda
    Eccentric Spaces