three-dimensional (129)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Metamorphy
    Scenocosme, Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt -
    Metamorphy ada
  • skeleton_anterior
    Schwartz, Lillian F.
    Anatomy Series #2 ada
  • Boxer
    Schwartz, Lillian F.
    Boxer ada
  • Rodent on Tree Trunk
    Schwartz, Lillian F.
    Rodent on Tree Trunk ada
  • 2007  Hybrid Invention Generator
    Seaman, Bill
    Hybrid Invention Generator ada
  • The Air-Liquid Display Sculpture
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Air-Liquid Display Sculpture ada
  • Airground
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Airground ada
  • Alpevent
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Alpevent ada
  • Aqua-Airground
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Aqua-Airground ada
  • Auditorium
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Auditorium ada
  • Centipede
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Centipede ada
  • Corrida
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Corrida - Logique de la Perception ada
  • Dragon
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Dragon ada
  • Emergence of continous forms
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Emergences of Continuous Forms ada
  • EVE Extended Virtual Environment
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    EVE Extended Virtual Environment ada
  • Homage to Bladen
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Homage to Bladen ada
  • Infinite Line
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Infinite Line ada
  • Information Pavilion
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Information Pavilion ada
  • Legible City Prototype
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Legible City Prototype ada
  • More or less
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    More&Less ada
  • movie movie
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    MovieMovie ada
  • New Tower of Babel
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    New Tower of Babel ada
  • No thing
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    No Thing ada
  • Place - Turkey
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Turkey ada