mythologies (54)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Oracle and doubts
    Frades, Nacho
    Oracle and doubts ada
  • Feeding Consciousness
    Harris, Dominic
    Feeding Consciousness ada
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone ada
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone ada
  • Future Room
    pluriel, kondition
    Future Room ada
  • Future Room
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Future Room ada
  • Entrance to the Garden of Changes
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Garden Of Changes ada
  • Orpheus (Video for Ballet production)
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Orpheus (Video for Ballet production) ada
  • Secret Detours
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Secret Detours ada
    Reinhuber, Elke
  • Iguaque
    Robles-Angel, Claudia
    IGUAQUE ada
  • rokeby
    Rokeby, David
    Echoing Narcissus ada
  • Strange Days
    Shor, Shirley
    Strange Days ada
  • The Golden Seed
    Thiel, Tamiko
    The Golden Seed ada
  • Allegory of revenge and atonement gssg
  • Allegory of trade gssg
  • Anthropometry, Science's defense of the arts gssg
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Andromeda gssg
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Ganimed gssg
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Lira, Cycnus gssg
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Perseus gssg
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Pleiades gssg
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Pleiades gssg
  • Bacchus, corrupter of morals gssg