Digital River, a River Out of Eden: three paintings, a website, and a video. National Young Creators show, 1997, Guarda, Portugal. ada
Gouveia, Patrícia
Memories Simulator: published and exhibited at Porto Ferreira Borges market, CD ROM publication and installation under a commission by Porto 2001, European culture capital (project Transformation Records) ada
Gouveia, Patrícia
Rupture, the passion market: why love is not fashionable (1998), Mix media interactive installation: 2 digital paintings and 1 neon, 12 postcards and an interactive CD-ROM ada
Hattler, Max
Divisional Articulations ada
Hertz, Paul
Campos | Temporales ada
Jamieson, Helen Varley
UpStage ada
Kit Galloway, Sherrie Rabinowitz /
Electronic Cafe Network ada
Lichty, Patrick
Valise in an iPod ada
Melanitis, Yiannis
Mercado, Marcello
Löschen/DELETE ada
Mercado, Marcello
Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited ada
Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)