intermedial (55)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Electronic Cafe Network
    Kit Galloway, Sherrie Rabinowitz /
    Electronic Cafe Network 1984
  • The Golden Seed
    Thiel, Tamiko
    The Golden Seed 1991
  • Digital River 1997
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Digital River, a River Out of Eden: three paintings, a website, and a video. National Young Creators show, 1997, Guarda, Portugal. 1997
  • RUPTURE, 1998
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Rupture, the passion market: why love is not fashionable (1998), Mix media interactive installation: 2 digital paintings and 1 neon, 12 postcards and an interactive CD-ROM 1998
  • Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited
    Mercado, Marcello
    Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited 2000
  • Memory Simulators (2001)
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Memories Simulator: published and exhibited at Porto Ferreira Borges market, CD ROM publication and installation under a commission by Porto 2001, European culture capital (project Transformation Records) 2001
  • Mobilise/Demobilise festival
    Jamieson, Helen Varley
    UpStage 2003
  • recombinant - the techn(o)rganic body
    pluriel, kondition
    recombinant - the techn(o)rganic body 2003
  • ii - in the white darkness
    Strasser, Reiner
    ii - in the white darkness 2004
  • Virtual Book Screen
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Virtual Book 2005
  • the puppet(s)
    pluriel, kondition
    the puppet(s) 2005
  • the puppet(s)
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    the puppet(s) 2005
  • Salter
    Salter, Christopher
  • Virtual Station
    Zelenika, MOON Martina
    Media Art in Process, VIRTUAL STATION 2005
  • Valise in an iPod
    Lichty, Patrick
    Valise in an iPod 2006
  • passage
    pluriel, kondition
    passage 2007
  • passage
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    passage 2007
  • Where are you from?_Stories. Version 09
    Badani, Pat
    Where are you from?-Stories. Version 09 2009
  • Salter Chris
    Salter, Christopher
    Chronotopia 2009
  • Abandoned
    pluriel, kondition
    Abandoned 2010
  • Abandoned
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Abandoned 2010
  • Nuclear Sweet
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Nuclear Sweet 2011
  • Intérieur
    pluriel, kondition
    Intérieur 2011
  • Intérieur
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Intérieur 2011