interfaces (190)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Installation Chronopolis
    Salter, Christopher
  • Promo Video Membrane
    Salter, Christopher
  • Freequent Traveller, 2002
    Schuricht, Susanne
    freequent traveller
  • Digital Body-Automat : Figurative History
    Scott, Jill
    Digital Body-Automata
  • Machinedreams interface
    Scott, Jill
    Machine Dreams
  • Paradies Tossed
    Scott, Jill
    Paradise Tossed
  • 2007 Hybrid Invention Generator
    Seaman, Bill
    Hybrid Invention Generator
  • Telling Motions
    Seaman, Bill
    Telling Motions
  • The World Generator / The Engine of Desire
    Seaman, Bill
    The Engine of Desire
  • Sermon, Paul
    Telematic Encounter
  • Sermon, Paul
    Telematic Séance
  • Sermon, Paul
  • Configuring the CAVE
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    conFIGURING the CAVE
  • Distributed Legible City
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Distributed Legible City
  • The Legible City
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Legible City
  • Pacifying the South China Sea Scroll Navigator
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pacifying the South China Sea Scroll Navigator
  • Panoramic Navigator
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Panoramic Navigator
  • Place - Ruhr
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Ruhr
  • shaw there is still time
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    There is still time... Brother
  • The Virtual Museum
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Virtual Museum
  • Web of Life
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Web of Life
  • Endocytosis, Evolving from a Flat Land into a Three-dimensional World
    Simó, Agueda
    Endocytosis, Evolving from a Flat Land into a Three-dimensional World
  • Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream
    Simó, Agueda
    Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream
  • Brain Wave Drawings 1973
    Sobell, Nina
    Brain Wave Drawings