genres (471)

Artist / DB / Year
  • The Tunnel under the Atlantic, Montreal installation
    Benayoun, Maurice
    Tunnel under the Atlantic 1995
  • Telegarden
    Goldberg, Ken
    The Telegarden 1995
  • difference engine #3
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Difference Engine #3 1995
  • paranoid mirror
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Paranoid Mirror 1995
  • be now here
    Naimark, Michael
    Be Now Here 1995
  • Dis-M-Body
    Rinaldo, Ken E.
    Dis-M-Body 1995
  • Jill Scott: Frontiers of Utopia (installation view) Copyright © 1996 Jan Sprij
    Scott, Jill
    Frontiers of Utopia 1995
  • Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - A User's Manual 1995
  • Intro Act
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Intro Act 1995
  • Phototropy
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Phototropy 1995
  • Trans Plant
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Trans Plant 1995
  • Network Neuro-Baby, 1995
    Tosa, Naoko
    Network Neuro-Baby 1995
  • neuro kid mic_joy
    Tosa, Naoko
    Neuro Kid MIC 1995
  • Bodies INCorporated web site
    Vesna, Victoria
    Bodies INCorporated 1995
  • The Lacemaker
    Acevedo, Victor
    The Lacemaker 1996
  • far near installation
    Benayoun, Maurice
    Far Near (e-motion) 1996
  • Dream Grrrls
    Dolinsky, Margaret
    Dreams Grrrls 1996
  • Rara Avis
    Kac, Eduardo
    Rara Avis 1996
  • Bringing IT to You!
    Lichty, Patrick
    RTMark: Bringing IT to YOU 1996
  • Sonomorphis
    Lintermann, Bernd
    Morphogenesis 1996
  • Seiko Mikami, Molecular Informatics-morphogenic substance via eye tracking, Version 1, 1996
    Mikami, Seiko
    Molecular Informatics-morphogenic substance via eye tracking 1996
  • Barbie
    Napier, Mark
    The Distorted Barbie 1996
  • The World Generator/ The Engine of Desire
    Seaman, Bill
    The World Generator / The Engine of Desire 1996
  • Sermon, Paul
    Telematic Encounter 1996