interactive installations (576)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Connected (Blue) (2008, high resolution color print)
    Burns, David R.
    Connected (Blue) high resolution color print
  • Transporting Skies
    Collins, Susan
    Transporting Skies
  • Portrait de famille, 1991-93
    Courchesne, Luc
    Family Portrait
  • Paysage No. 1/Landscape One
    Courchesne, Luc
    Landscape One
  • courchesne
    Courchesne, Luc
    Panoscopic journey between Québec and New York via the St-Laurent and Richelieu Rivers, Lake Champlain and the Hudson River
  • Portrait One, 1988-90
    Courchesne, Luc
    Portrait One
  • ursula damm 598
    Damm, Ursula
  • ursula fern
    Damm, Ursula
  • Subterranean Earth. Digital frame captured in real-time through HMD (head-mounted display) during live performance of immersive virtual environment Osmose (1995).
    Davies, Char
  • Ephémère
    Davies, Char
  • Exploded Views
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Exploded Views
  • Exploded Views 2.0
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Exploded Views 2.0
  • Mirror_Piece
    De Nijs, Marnix
  • Open Head
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Open Head
  • Physiognomic Scrutinizer
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Physiognomic Scrutinizer
  • rmr
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Run Motherfucker Run
  • Pentimento, installation still
    Del Favero, Dennis
  • breathless
    Dementieva, Alexandra
  • Cotact Field
    Dementieva, Alexandra
    Contact Field
  • drama house
    Dementieva, Alexandra
    Drama House
  • 2010 : Monolith
    Dementieva, Alexandra
  • Installation “Faces of Smell”
    Dogs Run, Where
    Installation “Faces of Smell”
  • Blue Window Pane
    Dolinsky, Margaret
    Blue Window Pane II
  • Dream Grrrls
    Dolinsky, Margaret
    Dreams Grrrls