interactive installations (576)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Mobile Feelings II
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Mobile Feelings II 2002
  • Web of Life
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Web of Life 2002
  • Utopia Triumphans
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Utopia Triumphans 2002
  • Freequent Traveller, 2002
    Schuricht, Susanne
    freequent traveller 2002
  • Installation Chronopolis
    Salter, Christopher
  • MAI02
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    entre-deux 2002
  • entre-deux
    pluriel, kondition
    entre-deux 2002
  • Sensitive Painting, 2002
    Plancton Art Studio
    Sensitive Painting 2002
  • Animal Accessories
    Melanitis, Yiannis
    Animal Accessories 2002
  • two origins relational architecture 7
    Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael
    Two Origins, Relational Architecture 7 2002
  • Ouroboros, 2002: Village
    Domingues, Diana
    Ouroboros 2002
  • Pentimento, installation still
    Del Favero, Dennis
    Pentimento 2002
  • Transporting Skies
    Collins, Susan
    Transporting Skies 2002
  • biggs parallax
    Biggs, Simon
    Parallax 2002
    Berlot, Uršula
    INCUBATOR 2002
  • Watch out!
    Benayoun, Maurice
    Watch Out! 2002
  • So.So.So. at the ZKM
    Benayoun, Maurice
    So.So.So. (Somebody, Somewhere, Sometime 2002
  • The Brain Stripped Bare, 2002
    Allen, Rebecca
    The Brain Stripped Bare 2002
  • The Living Room
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    The Living Room 2001
  • IKI-IKI Phone Poster
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    IKI-IKI Phone 2001
  • Reconfiguring the CAVE
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    reconFIGURING the CAVE 2001
  • Place urbanity
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Urbanity 2001
  • 2007 Hybrid Invention Generator
    Seaman, Bill
    Hybrid Invention Generator 2001
  • TGarden Installation V2
    Salter, Christopher
    M3 (TGarden) 2001