subjects (567)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Decker, Paulus
    Second fountain in the labyrinth gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond of the state room gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond of the main hall gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond of the first cabinet gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond of the dining room gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond of anteroom leading to the audience room gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond for the main cabinet gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond for the audience room gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond for anteroom leading to the audience room gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Plafond for anteroom gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Palace, view from the north gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Palace, view from the garden gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Left loggia in the labyrinth gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Interior view and ground plan of the grotto gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the tower gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the summer house Mon plaisir gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the promenade room gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the orangery gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the main hall with garden view gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the main hall gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the main hall gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the grotto in the baronial garden gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the dining hall gssg
  • Decker, Paulus
    Ground plan of the basement gssg