databases (68)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Imaginary Museum of Revolutions
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Imaginary Museum of Revolutions 1987
  • propagation of the luminous world
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Propagation of the Luminous Word 1988
  • biggs alchemy
    Biggs, Simon
    Alchemy 1990
  • New Tower of Babel
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    New Tower of Babel 1993
  • Video
    Benayoun, Maurice
    The Navigation Room 1997
  • Arles, France 1904
    Manovich, Lev
    Database of Provincial Life: Database 1997
  • Things Spoken
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    Die Sprache der Dinge 1998
  • Their Things Spoken
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    Their Things Spoken 1998
  • Things Spoken
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    Things Spoken 1999
  • 64 Samples (2000)
    Everitt, Dave
    64 Samples 2000
  • biggs babel
    Biggs, Simon
    Babel 2001
  • stop the nato
    Cirio, Paolo
    Anti-NATO Day - Participatory Cyber Attacks - 2001
  • ikeda matrix 2
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    matrix [for container] 2001
  • ikeda sp01
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    spectra 2001
  • Pockets Full of Memories, 2001: Installation
    Legrady, George
    Pockets full of Memories 2001
  • ikeda db4
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    db 2002
  • spectra ii 3
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    spectraII 2002
  • Video Narrative
    Levin, Golan
    Axis Applet 2002
  • Soft Cinema
    Manovich, Lev
    Soft Cinema 2002
    Legrady, George
    Pockets Full of Memories II 2003
  • listening post decode
    Rubin, Ben
    Listening Post 2003
  • T_Visionarium
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    T_Visionarium 2003
  • bruno human
    Bruno, Christophe
    Human Browser 2004
  • Brakelights
    Hessels, Scott
    Brakelights 2004