dynamical systems (156)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Tweet Time
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Tweet Time 2014
  • 2014 - Digital prints, document A4 and 100x100cm
    Cirio, Paolo
    (W)orld Currency 2014
  • Unlooping Film | Cinema sem Volta
    Beiguelman, Giselle
    Unlooping Film | Cinema sem Volta 2014
  • Poetry Machine
    Wellmer, Marcelina
    Poetry Machine 2013
  • Wheels
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Wheels 2013
  • We Are Like Vapours
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    We Are Like Vapours 2013
  • Micromega
    Jolivet, Pierre
    Micromega 2013
  • Loophole4all
    Cirio, Paolo
    Loophole for All 2013
  • Pure Land 360
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pure Land 360 2012
  • Fall Again, Fall Better
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Fall Again, Fall Better 2012
  • Ecorces
    Scenocosme, Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt -
    Ecorces 2012
  • Löschen/DELETE
    Mercado, Marcello
    Löschen/DELETE 2012
  • A Public Misery Message: A Temporary Monument to Global Inequality
    Critical Art Ensemble
    A Public Misery Message: A Temporary Monument to Global Inequality 2012
  • URnotHere
    Beiguelman, Giselle
    URnotHere 2012
  • Fluides
    Scenocosme, Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt -
    Fluides 2011
  • Nuclear Sweet
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Nuclear Sweet 2011
  • Here and There
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Here and There 2011
  • Scarlet(t), still image
    Ostrowski, Matthew
    Scarlet(t) 2011
  • Power Struggle
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Power Struggle 2011
  • Sustainable Cinema No. 5:  Dual Windmill
    Hessels, Scott
    Sustainable Cinema No. 5: Dual Windmill 2011
  • Sustainable Cinema No. 4:  Shadow Play
    Hessels, Scott
    Sustainable Cinema No. 4: Shadow Play 2011
  • Wave For Hokusai
    Stock, Mark J.
    Wave For Hokusai 2010
  • rybn
    antidatamining 2010
  • Indiana Intermedia Festival Excerpt
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Indiana Intermedia Festival Performance 2010