illusionary (159)

Artist / DB / Year
  • streetghost
    Cirio, Paolo
    Street Ghosts ada
  • Transporting Skies
    Collins, Susan
    Transporting Skies ada
  • Subterranean Earth. Digital frame captured in real-time through HMD (head-mounted display) during live performance of immersive virtual environment Osmose (1995).
    Davies, Char
    OSMOSE ada
  • Ephémère
    Davies, Char
    Éphémère ada
  • rmr
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Run Motherfucker Run ada
  • Scan Sweep Swipe Wipe
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Scan Sweep Swipe Wipe ada
  • 2010 : Monolith
    Dementieva, Alexandra
    Monolith ada
  • TRANS-E, enigmas da pedra, 1997
    Domingues, Diana
    Trans-E: enigmas da pedra ada
  • Spiegelzellen | Mirror Cells
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    Mirror Cells ada
    Fisher, Catherine B
    CATHERINE B. FISHER - ARTWORKS 2016-2019 ada
  • Chromatic shifts
    Garcia Bravo, Esteban
    Chromatic Shifts ada
  • XV
    Garcia Bravo, Esteban
    XV: Fifteen Points ada
    Hattler, Max
    AANAATT ada
  • Sync
    Hattler, Max
    Sync ada
  • Plain Plane Playing
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    Plain Plane Playing ada
  • Sustainable Cinema No. 3:  Praxinoscope Windmill
    Hessels, Scott
    Sustainable Cinema No. 3: Praxinoscope Windmill ada
  • Sustainable Cinema No. 4:  Shadow Play
    Hessels, Scott
    Sustainable Cinema No. 4: Shadow Play ada
  • Sustainable Cinema No. 5:  Dual Windmill
    Hessels, Scott
    Sustainable Cinema No. 5: Dual Windmill ada
  • hangars liquides VR
    Kidd, Djehan
    Hangars Liquides VR ada
  • Connection
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Connection ada
  • Powerbike
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Powerbike ada
  • Blind Sequence
    Leandre, Joan
    Blind Sequence Trust, Low Cry Prototype. In the Name of Kernel series ada
  • In the Name of Kernel series, Iron Bird
    Leandre, Joan
    Iron Bird, In the Name of Kernel series ada
  • In the Name of Kernel series, Lonely Record Sessions
    Leandre, Joan
    Lonely Record Sessions, In the Name of Kernel series ada