communication (118)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Double Life
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Double Life
  • How are you?
    Kisseleva, Olga
    How are you?
  • Hybrid Space
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Hybrid Space
  • Plane
    Kisseleva, Olga
  • Power Struggle
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Power Struggle
  • Proverbs
    Kisseleva, Olga
  • Silence
    Kisseleva, Olga
  • Time Value
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Time Value
  • Tweet Time
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Tweet Time
  • Urban Quick Response
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Urban Quick Response
  • Vice Box
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Vice Box
  • knowbotich research cat
    Knowbotic Research
    My Black Cat
  • Re: Dakar Arts Festival Installaton
    Kronman, Linda
    Re: Dakar Arts Festival
  • Pic-me
    Lee, Marc
    Pic-me - fly to the locations where users send posts
  • Eternal Summer, 2000: Installation
    Legrady, George
    Eternal Summer
  • maeda decode
    Maeda, John
  • How do you translate a text that is not a text? How do you perform a score that is not a score?
    Neidich, Warren
    How do you translate a text that is not a text? How do you perform a score that is not a score?
  • In the Mind's I
    Neidich, Warren
    In The Mind's I (Huang)
  • julian oliver artvertiser
    Oliver, Julian
    The Artvertiser
  • orellana phoney
    Orellana, Fernando
  • Liquid_Eden: The Discreet Paradise of Networks
    Owens, Stephanie
    Liquid_Eden: The Discreet Paradise of Networks
  • Swarming Lounge
    pluriel, kondition
    Swarming Lounge
  • Swarming Lounge
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Swarming Lounge
  • random international
    Random International