communication (118)

Artist / DB / Year
  • The Living Room
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    The Living Room 2001
  • The Brain Stripped Bare, 2002
    Allen, Rebecca
    The Brain Stripped Bare 2002
  • bruno gogol chat
    Bruno, Christophe
    Gogol Chat 2002
  • downJones
    epidemiC], [
    down Jones 2002
  • Momets of time in a place
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Moments of time in a place 2002
  • Televised Distance #1
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Televised Distance #1 2002
  • Kriegsspiel
    Galloway, Alexander R.
    Kriegsspiel 2002
  • Hybrid Space
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Hybrid Space 2002
  • Mobile Feelings
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Mobile Feelings l 2002
  • bruno wifism
    Bruno, Christophe
    wi-fi sm 2003
  • doubleblind
    epidemiC], [
    Double Blind 2003
  • Fujimura, Noriyuki
    GeoStickies(Unrealized) 2003
  • Televised Distance #2
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Televised Distance #2 2003
  • (Another) Point of View
    Kisseleva, Olga
    (Another) Point of view 2003
  • Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Mobile Feelings, 2003
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Mobile Feelings 2003
  • Doors
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Doors 2004
  • Augmented Fish Reality
    Rinaldo, Ken E.
    Augmented Fish Reality 2004
  • Promo Video Membrane
    Salter, Christopher
    Membrane 2004
  • Border/No Border
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Border/No Border 2005
  • Liquid_Eden: The Discreet Paradise of Networks
    Owens, Stephanie
    Liquid_Eden: The Discreet Paradise of Networks 2005
  • senneby
    Senneby, Goldin
    Flack Attack 2005
  • bruno inhuman sciences
    Bruno, Christophe
    (in)human sciences 2006
  • Double Life
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Double Life 2006
  • orellana phoney
    Orellana, Fernando
    Phoney 2006