bodies (animal components) (317)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    The Triumph of the Egyptian Joseph
  • Between the Words
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    Between the words
  • Cave
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    conFIGURING the Cave
  • Handsight; Screen
    Hegedüs, Agnes
  • Hegedüs, Agnes
    reConFIGURING the CAVE
  • deep contact
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Deep Contact
  • difference engine #3
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Difference Engine #3
  • tilly
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
  • Time and time again
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Time and Time again
  • GPSFilm
    Hessels, Scott
  • Jordaens, Jacob
    Philemon und Baucis
  • Kac
    Kac, Eduardo
    Early Performances
  • Kac Artist book 83
    Kac, Eduardo
    Escracho (Artist's Book)
  • Inner Telescope
    Kac, Eduardo
    Inner Telescope
  • Inner Telescope Video
    Kac, Eduardo
    Inner Telescope (series)
  • Osmoboxes
    Kac, Eduardo
  • The teleborg and the telerobot Ornitorrinco
    Kac, Eduardo
    The Telepresence Garment
  • Time Capsule
    Kac, Eduardo
    Time Capsule
  • Kaufmann, Angelika
    Pallas's body laid out for burial
  • D-G Cabin
    Kisseleva, Olga
    D-G Cabine
  • Klimt, Gustav
    Die Philosophie
  • Mental imMigration, 2001
    Knowbotic Research
    Mental imMigration
  • Metaplay Floorplan
    Krueger, Myron
  • Myron Krueger, Videoplace, Setup, ca. 1970
    Krueger, Myron