bodies (animal components) (317)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Dove, Toni
    The Blessed Abyss - A Tale of Unmanageable Ecstasies ada
  • Chaos digital perfomance  video
    Eltawil, Sameh
    CHAOS فَوْضَى ada
  • cubeLife and heartbeat monitor
    Everitt, Dave
    CubeLife ada
  • Find a flow of information through our bodies
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Find a flow of information through our bodies ada
  • Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Footprint Mapping ada
  • Televised Distance #1
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Televised Distance #1 ada
  • Televised Distance #2
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Televised Distance #2 ada
  • Biometric Sound Engine, 2001
    Biometric Sound Engine ada
  • PainStation, 2001
    PainStation ada
  • Gabriel, Ulrike
    Breath ada
  • Bodygraphe
    Garcia Bravo, Esteban
    Bodygraphe ada
  • tele-twister
    Goldberg, Ken
    Tele-Twister ada
  • Hakola, Marikki
    Figure ada
  • Hakola, Marikki
    TransVersum ada
  • Between the Words
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    Between the words ada
  • Cave
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    conFIGURING the Cave ada
  • Handsight; Screen
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    Handsight ada
  • Hegedüs, Agnes
    reConFIGURING the CAVE ada
  • deep contact
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Deep Contact ada
  • difference engine #3
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Difference Engine #3 ada
  • tilly
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Tillie/CybeRoberta ada
  • Time and time again
    Hershman Leeson, Lynn
    Time and Time again ada
  • GPSFilm
    Hessels, Scott
    GPSFilm ada
  • Kac
    Kac, Eduardo
    Early Performances ada