bodies (animal components) (317)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Pneutube
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pneutube ada
  • Reconfiguring the CAVE
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    reconFIGURING the CAVE ada
  • Suncycle
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Suncycle ada
  • unmakeable love
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Unmakeablelove ada
  • Walterwalk
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk ada
  • Water walk tube
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk Tube ada
  • Web of Life
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Web of Life ada
  • EVE
    Shor, Shirley
    EVE ada
  • Strange Days
    Shor, Shirley
    Strange Days ada
  • Intro Act
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Intro Act ada
  • Mobile Feelings
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Mobile Feelings l ada
  • Pico_Scan
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    PICO_SCAN ada
  • cyberSM
    Stahl, Stenslie
    cyberSM ada
  • erotogod
    Stahl, Stenslie
    erotogod ada
  • interskin
    Stahl, Stenslie
    interskin ada
  • sec
    Stahl, Stenslie
    SeC - Solve et Coagula ada
  • sens:less
    Stahl, Stenslie
    sens:less ada
  • The Golden Seed
    Thiel, Tamiko
    The Golden Seed ada
  • Global Vulva
    Thyes, Myriam
    Global Vulva ada
  • Network Neuro-Baby, 1995
    Tosa, Naoko
    Network Neuro-Baby ada
  • neuro baby
    Tosa, Naoko
    Neuro Baby ada
  • neuro kid mic_joy
    Tosa, Naoko
    Neuro Kid MIC ada
  • Unconscious Flow, 1999
    Tosa, Naoko
    Unconscious Flow ada
  • Bodies INCorporated web site
    Vesna, Victoria
    Bodies INCorporated ada