landscapes (environments) (118)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    God forbids Adam to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    God introduces Eve to Adam
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    God judging Adam
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    The Creation
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    The Fall of Man
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    The Fall of Man
  • Salter Chris
    Salter, Christopher
  • Golden Nuggets
    Schnell, Ruth
    Golden Nuggets
  • Artifical Landscape
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Artificial Landscapes
  • Convergent Landscape: Form and Number
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Convergent Landscape: Form and Number
  • The Legible City
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Legible City
  • Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - A User's Manual
  • Place - Ruhr
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Ruhr
  • Placeworld
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Landslide
    Shor, Shirley
  • St. Jerome with lion, repenting in a rocky landscape
  • TCP
    The Creation of Eve
  • Theyssens, S.
    Samson's riddle / Last Supper
  • Beyond Manzanar
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Beyond Manzanar
  • Biomer Skelters
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Biomer Skelters
  • Water Lily Invasion
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Water Lily Invasion
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Os que chegam com a noite
    Veneroso, Pedro
    Os que chegam com a noite
  • Vos, Marten de
    Cain and Abel offer their sacrifice