poetry (88)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Scapescapes
    Kac, Eduardo
    Three City Link ada
  • Typewriting 1
    Kac, Eduardo
    Typewritings ada
  • UPC
    Kac, Eduardo
    UPC ada
  • Book Sculptures
    Kac, Eduardo
    Visual Poems and Language Art ada
  • Wine
    Kac, Eduardo
    Wine ada
  • Agora
    Kac, Eduardo
    Ágora ada
  • video narrative
    Klima, John
    Jack and Jill ada
  • Poetry Machine 1.0
    Link, David
    Poetry Machine ada
  • Data Murmur
    Neidich, Warren
    Data Murmur ada
  • Deriva
    Parés, Roc
    Deriva ada
  • The Time Traveler
    Petros, Lales
    The Time Traveler ada
  • Swarming Lounge
    pluriel, kondition
    Swarming Lounge ada
  • Swarming Lounge
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Swarming Lounge ada
  • Schmutziges Licht (LICHTPHON Art-Avant X)
    Poursoudmand, Schahram
    Schmutziges Licht (LICHTPHON Art-Avant X) ada
  • Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1)
    Poursoudmand, Schahram
    Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) ada
  • Understanding echo
    Rieser, Martin
    Understanding Echo ada
  • 3 owl
    Rochallyi, Radoslav
    Fractals ada
  • Passage Sets/One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue
    Seaman, Bill
    Passage Sets - One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue ada
  • Passage Sets/One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue Linear Video and Interactive Videodisc
    Seaman, Bill
    Passage Sets/One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue (Wall of Light Version) ada
  • Red Dice
    Seaman, Bill
    Red Dice/Des Chiffres ada
  • Infinite Line
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Infinite Line ada
  • Once Upon A Time...We Live Happily Ever After
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Once Upon A Time...We Live Happily Ever After ada
  • Place - Turkey
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Turkey ada
  • Suncycle
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Suncycle ada