gender (91)

Artist / DB / Year
  • S. Barbara
  • S. Barbara
  • S. Catharina
  • S. Catharina
  • Stabbing of a woman ?
  • Sustris, Friedrich
    The choice of Hercules
  • Testa, Pietro
    Dido on the stake
  • The behaviour of foolish women
  • The rape of Dejanira
  • TCP
    Adam and Eve with there sons Cain and Abel 1426
  • TCP
    Astyages's dream 1426
  • TCP
    Jephthah sacrifices his daughter 1426
  • TCP
    The Creation of Eve 1426
  • TCP
    The expulsion from Paradise 1426
  • TCP
    The Fall of Man 1426
  • TCP
    Tobias, Raphael and Sarah 1426
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Cassiopeia 15. Jh, 2. Drittel
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Eridanus 15. Jh, 2. Drittel
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, Pleiades 15. Jh, 2. Drittel
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    The Triumph of the Egyptian Joseph 1564
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    The Triumph of Tobias 1564
  • Vos, Marten de
    Cain and his family settle down 1583
  • Vos, Marten de
    The Fall of Man 1583
  • Vos, Marten de
    Title page 1583