digital graphics (221)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Sermon, Paul
    The Echoes of Ambiguity within electronic space ada
  • The Air-Liquid Display Sculpture
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Air-Liquid Display Sculpture ada
  • Corrida
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Corrida - Logique de la Perception ada
  • The Legible City
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Legible City ada
  • Legible City Prototype
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Legible City Prototype ada
  • The Narrative Landscape
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Narrative Landscape ada
  • New Tower of Babel
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    New Tower of Babel ada
  • point of View I
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Points of View I ada
  • Televirtual Chit Chat
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Televirtual Chit Chat ada
  • Video Ball
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Video Ball Sculpture ada
  • Landslide
    Shor, Shirley
    Landslide ada
  • Video Narrative
    Simon J., John F.
    CodeDoc II ada
  • Brain Wave Drawings 1973
    Sobell, Nina
    Brain Wave Drawings ada
    Sobell, Nina
  • Nanocities
    Nanocities ada
  • amour consciente, Buffalo
    Strasser, Reiner
    conscious love ada
  • sukuraman city of glass
    Sukumaran, Ashok
    City of glass: Sideways ada
  • ReVisioning the Virtual Wall
    Thiel, Tamiko
    ReVisioning the Virtual Wall ada
  • "Shades of Absence: Public Voids," Piazza San Marco, Venice
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Shades of Absence: Public Voids ada
  • Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall ada
  • Gallery of Heroic Women
    Thyes, Myriam
    Gallery of Heroic Women ada
  • Tweetopia
    Trautwein, Jürgen
    Tweetopia ada
  • UltraHyperDrone
    Trautwein, Jürgen
    UltraHyperDrone ada
  • Autobiography Installed at WAG
    Turner, Myron
    Autobiography ada