digital graphics (221)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Terabyte Psychedelics s05
    Acevedo, Victor
    Terabyte Psychedelics s05 2016
  • Terabyte Psychedelics s02
    Acevedo, Victor
    Terabyte Psychedelics s02 2016
  • Orbital Remix s02
    Acevedo, Victor
    Orbital Remix s01 2016
  • Huichol Ghost
    Acevedo, Victor
    Huichol Ghost 2016
  • UltraHyperDrone
    Trautwein, Jürgen
    UltraHyperDrone 2015
  • Enjeux
    pluriel, kondition
    Enjeux 2015
  • Prophylexis Detail01
    López, Solimán
    Prophylexis 2015
  • Moon, Future near US
    Alekyan, Karen
    Moon, Future near US 2015
  • Micromovements in Snapshots
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Micromovements in Snapshots 2014
  • On Broadway
    Manovich, Lev
    On Broadway 2014
  • Inti Tati
    Gomez, German
    Emoticon Discontinuities (Visuals) 2014
  • An Engine of Many Senses
    Seaman, Bill
    An Engine of Many Senses 2013
  • On The Road
    Legrady, George
    On the Road 2013
  • Glitch Traces
    Biggs, Simon
    Glitch Traces 2013
  • I LV Yr GIF
    Beiguelman, Giselle
    I LV Yr GIF 2013
  • Vanitas in a Petri Dish
    Anker, Suzanne
    Vanitas in a Petri dish 2013
  • Robin v02
    Acevedo, Victor
    Robin v02 2013
  • Löschen/DELETE
    Mercado, Marcello
    Löschen/DELETE 2012
  • GaribaldiMap
    Caglioni, Diego
    GaribaldiMap 2012
  • GLK 07z
    Acevedo, Victor
    GLK 07z 2012
  • GLK 03x
    Acevedo, Victor
    GLK 03x 2012
  • "Shades of Absence: Public Voids," Piazza San Marco, Venice
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Shades of Absence: Public Voids 2011
  • Scarlet(t), still image
    Ostrowski, Matthew
    Scarlet(t) 2011
  • Performing Data Interview
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Interview Performing Data 2011