cameras (94)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Dreams Rewired Plakat
    Luksch, Manu
    Dreams Rewired
    López, Solimán
  • Langpath
    López, Solimán
  • Makart, Hans
    Victory of the light over darkness , Oil sketch for a ceiling painting intended for the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
  • Wild
    McCormack, Jon
  • Animal Accessories
    Melanitis, Yiannis
    Animal Accessories
  • Bio-Robotic Symbiosis
    Melanitis, Yiannis
    Bio-Robotic Symbiosis
  • Melanitis, Yiannis
    Predicatable Lab
  • ADA Anarchitecture of Affection
    Michelin, Simone
    ADA - Anarquitetura do Afeto (Anarchitecture of Affection)
  • Liquid Views
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Liquid Views
  • Mobile Unit-mit Steffi
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Mobile Unit
  • Murmuring Fields Sketch, Entering the Screen 1999
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Murmuring Fields
  • gigapixel
    Naimark, Michael
    Cheap Fast Gigapixel Images
  • Golden Gate Flyover
    Naimark, Michael
    Golden Gate Fly- Over
  • Paris VideoPlan
    Naimark, Michael
    Paris VideoPlan
  • orellana close
    Orellana, Fernando
    Unending Closure
  • Here and There
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Here and There
  • I move in Decades
    Pearlman, Ellen
    I Move In Decades
  • Indiana Intermedia Festival Excerpt
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Indiana Intermedia Festival Performance
  • Khymer Nocturnes
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Khymer Nocturnes
  • Nuclear Sweet
    Pearlman, Ellen
    Nuclear Sweet
  • Great Image of Eve Clone
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Great Image of Eve Clone
  • Making of Eve Clone III
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Making of Eve Clone III
  • At Play
    pluriel, kondition
    At Play