cameras (94)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Makart, Hans
    Victory of the light over darkness , Oil sketch for a ceiling painting intended for the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna 19. Jh.
  • Brain Wave Drawings 1973
    Sobell, Nina
    Brain Wave Drawings 1973
  • Swimmer
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Swimmer 1978
  • Hole-in-Space
    Kit Galloway, Sherrie Rabinowitz /
    Hole-in-Space 1980
  • Electronic Cafe Network
    Kit Galloway, Sherrie Rabinowitz /
    Electronic Cafe Network 1984
  • Paris VideoPlan
    Naimark, Michael
    Paris VideoPlan 1986
  • Nuit Blanche
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Nuit Blanche 1986
  • Tokyo MA
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Tokyo MA 1986
  • Golden Gate Flyover
    Naimark, Michael
    Golden Gate Fly- Over 1987
  • Liquid Views
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Liquid Views 1992
  • Wild
    McCormack, Jon
    Wild 1994
  • A-Volve
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    A-Volve 1994
  • Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - A User's Manual 1995
  • Intro Act
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Intro Act 1995
  • Phototropy
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Phototropy 1995
  • Trans Plant
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Trans Plant 1995
  • MIC Exploration Space
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    MIC Exploration Space 1996
  • Murmuring Fields Sketch, Entering the Screen 1999
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Murmuring Fields 1997
  • Iguaque
    Robles-Angel, Claudia
    IGUAQUE 1997
  • Life Spacies
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Life Spacies 1997
  • Sunburst Coupe v03
    Acevedo, Victor
    Sunburst Couple v03 1998
  • Systems Maintenance, 1998
    Hoberman, Perry
    Systems Maintenance 1998
  • Gulliver's Travels
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Gulliver's Travels 1998
  • Time_lapse
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Time_lapse 1998