installation-based (476)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Eye
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Eye (Computer Mobiles - Human Motions) 1987
  • Love Triangle
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Love Triangle (Computer Mobiles - Human Motions) 1987
  • biggs golem
    Biggs, Simon
    Golem 1988
  • Legible City Prototype
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Legible City Prototype 1988
  • propagation of the luminous world
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Propagation of the Luminous Word 1988
  • Balance
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Balance (Computer Mobiles - Human Motions) 1988
  • Wheel
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Wheel (Computer Mobiles - Human Motions) 1988
  • Home of the Brain Mix
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Home of the Brain - Philosophers' Houses (vers I 1989-90/ vers II 1991-92 / video 1992) 1989
  • EAT
    Naimark, Michael
    EAT 1989
  • Word Play
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Word Play 1989
  • biggs alchemy
    Biggs, Simon
    Alchemy 1990
  • Inmigraciones, 1990
    Domingues, Diana
    Migrations 1990
  • Mesmer
    Dove, Toni
    Mesmer: Secrets of the Human Frame 1990
  • Faraday's Garden, 1990-99
    Hoberman, Perry
    Faraday's Garden 1990
  • Information Weapons
    Mikami, Seiko
    Information Weapons "Super Clean Room" 1990
  • Revolution
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Revolution 1990
  • Spatial Pendulum
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Spatial Pendulum 1990
  • biggs onsight
    Biggs, Simon
    On sight 1991
  • Paragens, 1991
    Domingues, Diana
    Paragens 1991
  • Hegedüs, Agnes
    Fruit Machine 1991
  • RGB VW
    Hegedüs, Agnes
    RGB VW 1991
  • Der andere Beobachter
    Schnell, Ruth
    Der andere Beobachter 1991
  • The Exquisite Mechanism of Shivers
    Seaman, Bill
    The Exquisite Mechanisms of Shivers 1991
  • The Virtual Museum
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Virtual Museum 1991