installation-based (476)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Identity
    Fujimura, Noriyuki
    Remote Furniture 2000
  • Workaholic, 2000
    Hoberman, Perry
    Workaholic 2000
  • ZOMBIAC - Zone Of Monitor-Based Inter-Amnesiac Contact, 2000
    Hoberman, Perry
    ZOMBIAC - Zone Of Monitor-Based Inter-Amnesiac Contact 2000
  • ikeda a
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    A 2000
  • matrix an 2
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    matrix [for anechoic room] 2000
  • kiseleva wwv
    Kisseleva, Olga
    World Wide VIP 2000
  • detail 33 questions
    Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael
    33 Questions per Minute, Relational Architecture 5 2000
  • Autopoiesis
    Rinaldo, Ken E.
    Autopoiesis 2000
  • Standby Deliver
    Rinaldo, Ken E.
    Standby Deliver 2000
  • Sauna02 Video
    Salter, Christopher
    Sauna01-02 2000
  • Place - Ruhr
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Place - Ruhr 2000
  • Placeworld
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Placeworld 2000
  • Industrial Evolution
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Industrial Evolution 2000
  • Datamining Ruhr Bodies
    Vesna, Victoria
    Datamining Bodies in Ruhr 2000
  • The Fisherman and His Wife
    Waliczky, Tamas
    The Fisherman and His Wife 2000
  • biggs genome
    Biggs, Simon
    The Visible Genome Project 2001
  • david burns visual orchestra live
    Burns, David R.
    Visual Orchestra 2001
  • Expositur - Installation view, Vienna
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    Expositur - a virtual knowledge space 2001
  • orchisoid
    Fujihata, Masaki
    Orchisoid 2001
  • Memory Simulators (2001)
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Memories Simulator: published and exhibited at Porto Ferreira Borges market, CD ROM publication and installation under a commission by Porto 2001, European culture capital (project Transformation Records) 2001
  • ikeda matrix 2
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    matrix [for container] 2001
  • ikeda sp01
    Ikeda, Ryoji
    spectra 2001
  • MN.A - American Lessons: Marvelous New World
    Michelin, Simone
    American Lessons - MN.A: Marvelous New World 2001
  • White Room
    Michelin, Simone
    American Lessons - The White Room 2001