contextual (229)

Artist / DB / Year
  • an
    Cirio, Paolo
    Amazon Noir - Hacking Monopolism Trilogy
  • stop the nato
    Cirio, Paolo
    Anti-NATO Day - Participatory Cyber Attacks -
  • 2007. Mixed media, plexiglass box. 35x35x40cm
    Cirio, Paolo
    Check Check Reality
  • face to facebook
    Cirio, Paolo
    Face to Facebook - Hacking Monopolism Trilogy
  • Global direct
    Cirio, Paolo
    Global Direct
  • Loophole4all
    Cirio, Paolo
    Loophole for All
  • 2009. Serigraph (digital) print on Plexiglass. 54x39cm each
    Cirio, Paolo
    Open Society Structures - Algorithms Triptych
  • cirio
    Cirio, Paolo
    P2P Gift Credit Card - Gift Finance
  • Post Brands
    Cirio, Paolo
    Post Brands
  • streetghost
    Cirio, Paolo
    Street Ghosts
  • The Big Plot
    Cirio, Paolo
    The Big Plot
  • A Public Misery Message: A Temporary Monument to Global Inequality
    Critical Art Ensemble
    A Public Misery Message: A Temporary Monument to Global Inequality
  • Free Range Grain
    Critical Art Ensemble
    Free Range Grain
  • Keep Hope Alive Block Party
    Critical Art Ensemble
    Keep Hope Alive Block Party
  • Winning Hearts and Minds
    Critical Art Ensemble
    Winning Hearts and Minds
  • December
  • Video
    Domingues, Diana
  • I'Myth
    Domingues, Diana
    I'Myth: Zapping Zone
  • Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
    The Four Apostles, Master Study
  • Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
    The Four Apostles, Master Study
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals
  • Emblems with plants and animals