acoustic (218)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Beyond Manzanar
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Beyond Manzanar
  • Cell phone symphony
    Toots, Timo
    Cell phone symphony
  • Interactive Poem, 1996-98
    Tosa, Naoko
    Interactive Poem MUSE
  • DeadPlanetFine*
    Trautwein, Jürgen
  • UltraHyperDrone
    Trautwein, Jürgen
  • Harmonic Motion
    Triana, Alba
    Harmonic Motion
  • Datamining Ruhr Bodies
    Vesna, Victoria
    Datamining Bodies in Ruhr
  • Zero@wavefunction, Los Angeles
    Vesna, Victoria
    Zero@wavefunction: nano dreams & nightmares
  • Variations 504
    Wands, Bruce
    Variations 504
  • Poetry Machine
    Wellmer, Marcelina
    Poetry Machine
  • Mind Cathedral
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Mind Cathedral ( VR ) (w.i.p.)
  • NO=ON
    Wennberg, Teresa
  • Nuit Blanche
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Nuit Blanche
  • Tokyo MA
    Wennberg, Teresa
    Tokyo MA
  • The Blackest Spot
    Zellen, Jody
    The Blackest Spot
  • Lapse Modulation (Aural Limbo Series 2004)
    Zlatar, Mateo
    Lapse Modulation (Aural Limbo Series 2004)