acoustic (218)

Artist / DB / Year
    Robles-Angel, Claudia
    ZHONG ada
  • Video DualTerm online
    Salter, Christopher
    DualTerm ada
  • Video Promo Haptic Field
    Salter, Christopher
    Haptic Field ada
  • Installation View JND Portugal
    Salter, Christopher
    JND (just noticeable difference) #1: Semblance ada
  • Fluides
    Scenocosme, Gregory Lasserre & Anais met den Ancxt -
    Fluides ada
  • Acoustic Chase
    Schiessl, Simon
    Acoustic Chase ada
  • f_(noir) Solo CD Eilean Records
    Seaman, Bill
    f_(noir) Solo CD Eilean Records ada
  • Navigating and Negotiating Sound Architectures of the Night
    Seaman, Bill
    Navigating and Negotiating Sound Architectures of the Night ada
  • Passage Sets/One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue
    Seaman, Bill
    Passage Sets - One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue ada
  • S_traits
    Seaman, Bill
    S_traits ada
    Seaman, Bill
    The Design of the Grip ada
  • The Exquisite Mechanism of Shivers - Audio CD Published with Special Version of Binocular Magazine
    Seaman, Bill
    The Exquisite Mechanism of Shivers - Audio CD Published with Special Version of Binocular Magazine ada
  • Seaman with Craig Tattersall
    Seaman, Bill
    The Seaman and the Tattered Sail - Light Folds - Seaman with Craig Tattersall - Double Album/Double CD/Audio DVD ada
  • Aqua-Airground
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Aqua-Airground ada
  • Configuring the CAVE
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    conFIGURING the CAVE ada
  • continous movie
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Continuous Sound and Image Moments ada
  • Conversations
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Conversations ada
  • Conversations @ the Studio
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Conversations @ the Studio ada
  • Corrida
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Corrida - Logique de la Perception ada
  • Cupola
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Cupola ada
  • goiong to the heart of the centre of the garden of delights
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Going to the Heart of the Center of The Garden of Delights ada
  • Infinite Line
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Infinite Line ada
  • Inventer la Terre
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Inventer la Terre ada
  • Genesis light and mirror
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Kinetic Light and Mirror Sculpture ada