representation (82)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Bergmüller, Johann Georg
    Ionica, Die Mäßige / Corinthia, Die Kluge 1752
  • Kleiner, Salomon
    Göttweig Abbey, view from south 1744
  • Werner, Friedrich Bernhard
    Göttweig Abbey, view from west 1737
  • Christoph Ludwig Agricola, painter, Regensburg 1711
  • Study of Saints 1700, um
  • Straet, Jan van der, genannt Stradanus
    Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia 17. Jh.
  • Gericke, Samuel Theodor
    Graphic arts 1699
  • Aural sense 1663
  • Theology thesis by Tobias Johannes Goeth , University of Vienna 1651
  • Raffael (Santi (Sanzio), Raffaello)
    School of Athens 1648
  • Simon Marius Guntzenh., mathematician and physician 1614
  • Surgeon 1611
  • Thomas Aquinas 1610
  • Bloemaert, Abraham
    St. Jerome 1610
  • Goltzius, Hendrik
    Mark the Evangelist 1588
  • Goltzius, Hendrik
    John the Evangelist 1588
  • Vos, Marten de
    Bonorum et Malorum Consensio 1586
  • Vos, Marten de
    Title page 1583
  • Arcimboldo, Guiseppe
    Winter 1573
  • Heemskerck, Maarten van
    Commandment to keep the Sabbath 1550-1560?
  • April, March 1475/80
  • TCP
    Prologue 1426
  • Vos, Marten de
    Imago Bonitatis Illius
  • Title engraving