communities (68)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Chaos digital perfomance  video
    Eltawil, Sameh
    CHAOS فَوْضَى 2021
  • Entrance to the Garden of Changes
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Garden Of Changes 2020
  • Augenschein
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    Augenschein 2020
  • Cracks to Oases
    Reinhuber, Elke
    Cracks to Oases 2018
  • And One For Next Year
    Chitayat, Lila
    And One For Next Year. 2016
  • Pic-me
    Lee, Marc
    Pic-me - fly to the locations where users send posts 2014
  • Keep Hope Alive Block Party
    Critical Art Ensemble
    Keep Hope Alive Block Party 2013
  • We are family!
    Bismarck, Julius von
    We are family 2013
  • Perceptive Dislocations
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Perceptive Dislocations 2012
  • Time Value
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Time Value 2012
  • Seven Portraits for Maria Hernandez
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Seven Portraits for Maria Hernandez 2010
  • Drowning NYC
    Cirio, Paolo
    Drowning NYC 2010
  • benayoun art collider
    Benayoun, Maurice
    The Art Collider 2010
  • benayoun last life
    Benayoun, Maurice
    Last Life 2010
  • 2009. Serigraph (digital) print on Plexiglass. 54x39cm each
    Cirio, Paolo
    Open Society Structures - Algorithms Triptych 2009
  • unmakeable love
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Unmakeablelove 2008
  • GPSFilm
    Hessels, Scott
    GPSFilm 2008
  • Genetic Seed Bank
    Anker, Suzanne
    Genetic Seed Bank 2008
  • Breaking The News - Be a News-Jockey
    Lee, Marc
    Breaking The News - Be a News-Jockey 2007
  • Landslide
    Shor, Shirley
    Landslide 2004
  • eavesdrop
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    eavesdrop 2004
  • Cupola
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Cupola 2004
  • Beiguelman, Giselle
    //**Code_UP 2004
  • TV - Be the first to know!
    Lee, Marc TV - Be the first to know! 2003