visual culture (145)

Artist / DB / Year
  • No thing
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    No Thing 1970
  • The Pneu-Written
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pneu-Written 1969
  • Cinematic Air Pollution Device
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Cinematic Air Pollution Device 1967
  • Emergence of continous forms
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Emergences of Continuous Forms 1966
  • continous movie
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Continuous Sound and Image Moments 1966
  • Matsch, Franz
    Die mittelalterliche Mysterienbühne 1886
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrs Gordianus und Epimachus, calendar sheet for 10th May 1753-1755
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrdom of Saint Maximus, calendar sheet for 5th May 1753-1755
  • Kleiner, Salomon
    Göttweig Abbey, cabinet of curiosities 1744
  • Joue, Jacques de la
    Cartouches with war themes 1735, ca
  • Joue, Jacques de la
    Cartouches with war themes 1735, ca
  • Joue, Jacques de la
    Cartouches with war themes 1735, ca
  • Joue, Jacques de la
    Cartouches with war themes 1735, ca
  • Study of mythological characters 1700, um
  • Le Pautre, Jean
    Running ornament with lions on hunt 1663
  • Emblems with plants and animals 1592
  • Aratos, Phainomena des
    Zodiac, astrological personifications 15. Jh, 2. Drittel
  • April, March 1475/80
  • TCP
    Solomon's Temple 1426
  • Schut, Cornelis I.
    Agreement of peace between France and Spain
  • Decker, Paulus
    Design for a fireplace