drawings (63)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Sincronicity
    Syncronicity - The Circus of Everyday Life
  • Study of Arms
  • Study of dresses
  • Study of Ears
  • Study of faces in profile
  • Study of faces in profile
  • Study of Feet
  • Study of female headdresses
  • Study of hands
  • Study of hands and feet
  • Study of legs
  • Study of male and female heads
  • Study of male headdresses
  • ReVisioning the Virtual Wall
    Thiel, Tamiko
    ReVisioning the Virtual Wall
  • Troger, Paul
    Chronos and the personifications of science and arts
  • linescape
    Utterback, Camille
  • verostko
    Verostko, Roman
    Canticle to the Sun IV
  • verostko
    Verostko, Roman
  • verostko
    Verostko, Roman
    Flying Crane
  • verostko
    Verostko, Roman
    Gaia E VIII
  • verostko
    Verostko, Roman
    Gaia Third Millenium Triptych
  • verotsko
    Verostko, Roman
    Lung Shan II
  • verotsko
    Verostko, Roman
    Manchester Illuminated Universal Turing Machine, #19
  • verostko
    Verostko, Roman
    Manchester Illuminated Universal Turing Machine, #20