architecture (347)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Le Pautre, Jean
    Design for facade and garden
  • Le Pautre, Jean
    Design for facade and garden
  • Le Pautre, Jean
    Design for garden and beds
  • Le Pautre, Jean
    Running ornament
  • Le Pautre, Jean
    Title engraving, designs for holy water fonts
  • Screenshot Terrapattern
    Levin, Golan
  • "1000 Platitudes" Photo by Antimodular Research
    Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael
    1000 Platitudes
  • Displaced Emperors
    Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael
    Displaced Emperors
  • The able skin
    Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael
    The Able Skin
  • Freud-Lissitzky Navigator
    Manovich, Lev
    Freud-Lissitzky Navigator
  • On Broadway
    Manovich, Lev
    On Broadway
  • Soft Cinema
    Manovich, Lev
    Soft Cinema
  • Map of the dominion of Göttweig Abbey
  • Matsch, Franz
    Die mittelalterliche Mysterienbühne
  • Temple
    Maubrey, Benoit
  • Resistance is Futile/Resistance is Fertile
    Neidich, Warren
    Resistance is Fertile / Resistance is Futile
  • Nelli, Giovanni Battista Clemente
    Groundplan of the Dome of Florence
  • Satellite Contact - Installation View
    Orlow, Uriel
    Satellite Contact
  • Papal conclave
  • Papal conclave
  • Pilgrimage to the Beautiful Virgin Mary of Regensburg
  • Enjeux
    pluriel, kondition
  • Installation Video e-flow
    Polli, Andrea
    Energy Flow
  • Portal