software manipulations (25)

Artist / DB / Year
  • retroyou nostal(G)
    Leandre, Joan
    retroyou nostal(G) 1999
  • retroyou RED CLOWN
    Leandre, Joan
    retroyou RED CLOWN 1999
  • stop the nato
    Cirio, Paolo
    Anti-NATO Day - Participatory Cyber Attacks - 2001
  • retroyou RC FULL BOT
    Leandre, Joan
    retroyou RC FULL BOT 2001
    Reas, C.B.
    TI 2004
  • Sometimes Always/Sometimes Never
    Beiguelman, Giselle
    Sometimes Always/Sometimes Never 2005
  • bruno lh
    Bruno, Christophe
    Logo.Hallucination 2006
  • Sout Polar Window
    Leandre, Joan
    The Polar Window series 2006
  • universal everything decode
    Universal Everything
    Everyone Forever 2006
  • boredom research wish
    Boredomresearch, (collective)
    Wish 2007
  • Spiegelzellen | Mirror Cells
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    Mirror Cells 2007
  • Last Wishes
    Katastrofsky, Carlos
    Lastwishes 2007
  • maeda decode
    Maeda, John
    Nature 2007
  • Explosions in the Sky
    Caglioni, Diego
    Explosions in the Sky 2008
  • koblin decode
    Koblin, Aaron
    House of Cards 2008
  • In the Name of Kernel series, Lonely Record Sessions
    Leandre, Joan
    Lonely Record Sessions, In the Name of Kernel series 2008
  • flight404 decode
    Solar 2009
  • lia decode
    Arcs21 2009
  • In the Name of Kernel series, Magic Line
    Leandre, Joan
    Magic Line, In the Name of Kernel series 2010
  • Voice of Sisyphus
    Legrady, George
    Voice of Sisyphus 2011
  • Blind Sequence
    Leandre, Joan
    Blind Sequence Trust, Low Cry Prototype. In the Name of Kernel series 2012
  • Urban Datascape
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Urban Datascape 2015
  • REPSAT Detail
    López, Solimán
    REPSAT 2015
  • Anamorph Lattice
    Legrady, George
    Anamorph-Lattice 2020
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