history (89)

Artist / DB / Year
    Centro Interactivo Cordoba Virtual
  • n o w h e r e
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    n o w h e r e - ein welt raum spiel
  • In Ninth Heaven or The Far End of Europe
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    In Ninth Heaven or The Far End of Europe
  • Expositur - Installation view, Vienna
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    Expositur - a virtual knowledge space
  • Drentwett, Jonas
    Announcement of disputations at Göttweig with illustrations of the foundation legend of the Abbey under Abbot Atlmann
  • Mesmer
    Dove, Toni
    Mesmer: Secrets of the Human Frame
  • Copy of ancient wall decorations
  • GaribaldiMap
    Caglioni, Diego
  • History Appartus
    Bismarck, Julius von
    History Appartus
  • benayoun dump au metre
    Benayoun, Maurice
    Dump au mètre
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Pope Silverius, calendar sheet for 20th June
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrdom of St. Erasmus of Formia, calendar sheet for 2nd June
  • Baumgartner, Johann Wolfgang
    Martyrdom of Saint Maximus, calendar sheet for 5th May
  • Applied decoration
  • A Student on October 31