history (89)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Schut, Cornelis I.
    Agreement of peace between France and Spain
  • Beyond Hierarchy-Ahmedmaske
    Scott, Jill
    Beyond Hierarchy
  • Jill Scott: Frontiers of Utopia (installation view) Copyright © 1996 Jan Sprij
    Scott, Jill
    Frontiers of Utopia
  • Paradies Tossed
    Scott, Jill
    Paradise Tossed
  • Conversations
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Ecloud WWI
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Ecloud WWI
  • Imaginary Museum of Revolutions
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Imaginary Museum of Revolutions
  • Inventer la Terre
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Inventer la Terre
  • Pacifying the South China Sea Scroll Navigator
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pacifying the South China Sea Scroll Navigator
  • point of View II
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Points of View II - Babel
  • Pure Land 360
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pure Land 360
  • Pure Land AR
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pure Land AR
  • Remaking the Confucian Rites
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Remaking the Confucian Rites
  • Revolution
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Scottish Sorrow
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Scottish Sorrow
  • Sonus Lux
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Sonus Lux
  • Dante cupboard
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    The Dante Cupboard
  • Utopia Triumphans
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Utopia Triumphans
  • We Are Like Vapours
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    We Are Like Vapours
  • Industrial Evolution
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    Industrial Evolution
  • Time_lapse
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
  • Study of a torso
  • The fatal fall of physicist and tight-rope walker Carl Bernovin also known as Atavan
  • Carnation Rain
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Carnation Rain (Largo do Carmo)