processual (94)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Autonomous Oil Reserve
    De Nijs, Marnix
    Autonomous Oil Reserve 2004
  • Transformes Interactive Installation, 2004
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Transitory Objects, Transformers 84/04 Interactive Installation, Oeiras Festival 2004
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Role Playing Egas (Moniz): Net. Art Project under a workshop at Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon (CCB 2005) 2005
  • Ian Andrews & Timo Kahlen: Sound Drift, 2005
    Kahlen, Timo
    Ian Andrews & Timo Kahlen: Sound Drift 2005
  • How does the Inconsistence work, practically?
    Mercado, Marcello
    How does the Inconsistent work, practically? 2005
  • Liquid_Eden: The Discreet Paradise of Networks
    Owens, Stephanie
    Liquid_Eden: The Discreet Paradise of Networks 2005
  • the puppet(s)
    pluriel, kondition
    the puppet(s) 2005
  • the puppet(s)
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    the puppet(s) 2005
  • plastic trade-off
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    plastic trade-off 2006
  • Azimuth 77
    Mercado, Marcello
    Azimuth 77 2006
  • skeleton_anterior
    Schwartz, Lillian F.
    Anatomy Series #2 2006
  • 2007. Mixed media, plexiglass box. 35x35x40cm
    Cirio, Paolo
    Check Check Reality 2007
  • decon
    Menezes, Marta de
    decon 2007
  • LFP 1
    Vanouse, Paul
    Latent Figure Protocol 2007
  • Connected (Blue) (2008, high resolution color print)
    Burns, David R.
    Connected (Blue) high resolution color print 2008
  • Prisioner’s dilemma or game
    Gouveia, Patrícia
    Prisoner's Dilemma or Game: Flash installation + 2 joysticks + projetor. INTERPARLA Festival, Spain 2008
  • Suite For Mobile Tags
    Beiguelman, Giselle
    Suite For Mobile Tags 2009
    Burbano, Andres
    MSCRI - Modular Solution for Corridor Reactive Installations 2009
  • The Trend Is Your Friend!
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    The Trend Is Your Friend! 2009
  • The Value of Art
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    The Value of Art 2010
    Mercado, Marcello
  • Human Genome re-Activation
    Mercado, Marcello
    Human Genome re-Activation 2011
  • Dislocative Sculpture - the Film
    Thiel, Tamiko
    Dislocative Sculpture 2011
  • Expanded Self
    Bäumel, Sonja
    Expanded Self 2012