real-time (259)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Global Interior Project
    Fujihata, Masaki
    Global Interior Project 1997
  • Displaced Emperors
    Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael
    Displaced Emperors 1997
  • Murmuring Fields Sketch, Entering the Screen 1999
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Murmuring Fields 1997
  • Ephémère
    Davies, Char
    Éphémère 1998
  • Robot-Avatar Installation
    Robots+Avatars dreaming with Virtual Illusions 1998
  • / initial sketch and applications
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective) 1998
  • The Parallel Dimension
    Wennberg, Teresa
    The Parallel Dimension 1998
  • Text Rain
    Achituv, Romy
    Text Rain 1999
  • retroyou nostal(G)
    Leandre, Joan
    retroyou nostal(G) 1999
  • Melanitis, Yiannis
    Pleasure Machine 1999
  • Melanitis, Yiannis
    Predicatable Lab 1999
  • Ottos Mops - "Ottos Mops" performance in the virtual studio with networked players 2001
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    i2tv - Interactive TV 1999
  • Sermon, Paul
    There`s no Simulation like Home 1999
  • The Net.Art Browser
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Net.Art Browser 1999
  • Sensing Speaking Space, 2002: Green Screen
    Legrady, George
    SensingSpeakingSpace 2000
  • Aquarelle 2000
    Waliczky, Tamas
    Aquarelle 2000 2000
  • The Fisherman and His Wife
    Waliczky, Tamas
    The Fisherman and His Wife 2000
  • Expositur - Installation view, Vienna
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    Expositur - a virtual knowledge space 2001
  • The Tele-Actor
    Goldberg, Ken
    The Tele-Actor 2001
  • retroyou RC FULL BOT
    Leandre, Joan
    retroyou RC FULL BOT 2001
  • Bio-Robotic Symbiosis
    Melanitis, Yiannis
    Bio-Robotic Symbiosis 2001
  • Mobile Unit-mit Steffi
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Mobile Unit 2001
  • PoinScreen 2005
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    PointScreen 2001
  • Semantic Map (2001)
    Monika Fleischmann | Wolfgang Strauss, (collective)
    Semantic Map 2001