real-time (259)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Geode
    Garcia Bravo, Esteban
    Geode 2016
  • Dark Matter
    Biggs, Simon
    Dark Matter 2016
  • The Real, the Virtual and The We (re-activating Lygia Clark’s The I and the you: Clothing/Body/Clothing, 1967)
    Aceves Sepúlveda, Gabriela
    "The Real, the Virtual and the We, (re-activating Lygia Clark's The I and the You: Clothing/Body/Clothing, 1967" 2016
  • Terabyte Psychedelics s02
    Acevedo, Victor
    Terabyte Psychedelics s02 2016
  • Orbital Remix s02
    Acevedo, Victor
    Orbital Remix s01 2016
  • Huichol Ghost
    Acevedo, Victor
    Huichol Ghost 2016
  • Homes (version 2)
    Waliczky, Tamas
    homes | Photography and New Media Art (Homes | version 2), ehibition at Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong 2015
  • Liminal Spaces
    Poulin, Marie-Claude
    Liminal Spaces 2015
  • Liminal Spaces
    pluriel, kondition
    Liminal Spaces 2015
  • Enjeux
    pluriel, kondition
    Enjeux 2015
  • Pii expanded sculpture
    Lizalde, Néstor
    Pii 2015
  • Critical Mass
    Holden, Peter William
    The Invisible 2015
  • XV
    Garcia Bravo, Esteban
    XV: Fifteen Points 2015
  • Bodygraphe
    Garcia Bravo, Esteban
    Bodygraphe 2015
  • Imagining Macondo
    Burbano, Andres
    Imagining Macondo 2015
  • Egocentric System
    Bismarck, Julius von
    Egocentric System 2015
  • What color is it?
    Veneroso, Pedro
    What color is it? 2014
    Robles-Angel, Claudia
  • Revelation of Eve Clone IV
    Pey-Chwen, Lin
    Revelation of Eve Clone IV 2014
  • Taipei Phototime
    Manovich, Lev
    Taipei Phototime 2014
  • Pic-me
    Lee, Marc
    Pic-me - fly to the locations where users send posts 2014
  • Tweet Time
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Tweet Time 2014
  • Cycloramadrome
    Dementieva, Alexandra
    Cycloramadrome 2014
  • Poetry Machine
    Wellmer, Marcelina
    Poetry Machine 2013