simulation (76)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Kriegsspiel
    Galloway, Alexander R.
    Kriegsspiel 2002
  • Connection
    Kisseleva, Olga
    Connection 2002
  • Functional Portraits
    Menezes, Marta de
    Functional Portraits 2002
  • Video Narrative
    Napier, Mark
    SpringyDots 2002
  • D-G Cabin
    Kisseleva, Olga
    D-G Cabine 2003
  • eduction
    Novak, Marcos
    Eduction: AlienWithin 2004
  • Conversations
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Conversations 2004
  • Celestial Mechanics
    Hessels, Scott
    Celestial Mechanics 2005
  • plastic trade-off
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    plastic trade-off 2006
  • Sout Polar Window
    Leandre, Joan
    The Polar Window series 2006
  • corby baily
    & Baily & Mackenzie, Corby
    Cyclone 2007
  • topshop helmet
    Bismarck, Julius von
    Topshot Helmet 2007
  • Video DualTerm online
    Salter, Christopher
    DualTerm 2007
  • Genetic Seed Bank
    Anker, Suzanne
    Genetic Seed Bank 2008
  • MRI Butterfly
    Anker, Suzanne
    MRI Butterfly 2008
  • In Ninth Heaven or The Far End of Europe
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    In Ninth Heaven or The Far End of Europe 2008
  • koblin decode
    Koblin, Aaron
    House of Cards 2008
  • Video Promo Southern Ocean Studies
    & Baily & Mackenzie, Corby
    The Southern Ocean Studies 2009
  • The Trend Is Your Friend!
    Eckermann, Sylvia
    The Trend Is Your Friend! 2009
  • flight404 decode
    Solar 2009
  • Smoke Screen Cipher 00
    Leandre, Joan
    Smoke Screen Cipher, The Trap Interiors series 2009
  • Convergence / Divergence
    Colubri, Andres
    Convergence / Divergence 2010
  • 14-bis
    Domingues, Diana
    14#BIS 2010
  • In the Name of Kernel series, Magic Line
    Leandre, Joan
    Magic Line, In the Name of Kernel series 2010