literature (73)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Salter Chris
    Salter, Christopher
  • Red Dice
    Seaman, Bill
    Red Dice/Des Chiffres
  • Book Plumbing
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Book Plumbing
  • Fall Again, Fall Better
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Fall Again, Fall Better
  • Once Upon A Time...We Live Happily Ever After
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Once Upon A Time...We Live Happily Ever After
  • propagation of the luminous world
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Propagation of the Luminous Word
  • Remaking the Confucian Rites
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Remaking the Confucian Rites
  • Suncycle
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Dante cupboard
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    The Dante Cupboard
  • unmakeable love
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Word Play
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Word Play
  • EVE
    Shor, Shirley
  • Escape
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
  • the leap
    Stahl, Stenslie
    the leap
  • Study of Saints
  • TCP
    The golden Table of the sun of Zabulon
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Title engraving
  • Romeo & Juliet in Hades, 1998-99
    Tosa, Naoko
    Romeo & Juliet in Hades
  • Ulrich Hofmann, geometer, arithmetician and calligrapher
  • Gogoame
    Veneroso, Pedro
  • View of a library with a collection of scrolls
  • Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July
    Zapp, Andrea
    Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July
  • Zodiac, astronomical calendar, astronomical clock