happenings (36)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Scottish Sorrow
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Scottish Sorrow 1971
  • Water walk tube
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk Tube 1970
  • Wind and Rain
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Wind and Rain 1969
  • Walterwalk
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Waterwalk 1969
  • Cushion
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Cushion 1969
  • Black Airground
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Black Airground 1968
  • Alpevent
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Alpevent 1968
  • Airground
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Airground 1968
  • Disillusion of a Fish Pond
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Disillusion of a Fish Pond 1967
  • Book Plumbing
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Book Plumbing 1967
  • Emergence of continous forms
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Emergences of Continuous Forms 1966