symbolism (74)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Makart, Hans
    Victory of the light over darkness , Oil sketch for a ceiling painting intended for the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna gssg
  • Man between law and faith (Galatians 3) gssg
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Adam in the Garden of Eden gssg
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    Adam naming the animals gssg
  • Ridinger, Johann Elias
    The Creation gssg
  • Simon Marius Guntzenh., mathematician and physician gssg
  • Spring, summer gssg
  • Straet, Jan van der, genannt Stradanus
    Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia gssg
  • Surgeon gssg
  • TCP
    Eve and the Serpent gssg
  • TCP
    Hortus Conclusus gssg
  • TCP
    Solomon's Temple gssg
  • TCP
    The expulsion from Paradise gssg
  • TCP
    The expulsion from Paradise gssg
  • Testa, Pietro
    Dido on the stake gssg
  • The five senses gssg
  • Theology thesis by Tobias Johannes Goeth , University of Vienna gssg
  • Theyssens, S.
    Samson's riddle / Last Supper gssg
  • Title engraving gssg
  • Title page gssg
  • Vignette, wisdom gssg
  • Vignette, wisdom gssg
  • Vor Maler / Steinhauer / Blattenschneider / Goldschmiede gssg
  • Vos, Marten de
    Bonorum et Malorum Consensio gssg