art history (137)

Artist / DB / Year
  • Marchive
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Pacifying the South China Sea Scroll Navigator
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pacifying the South China Sea Scroll Navigator
  • Panoramic Navigator
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Panoramic Navigator
  • Pure Land 360
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pure Land 360
  • Pure Land AR
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Pure Land AR
  • Reconfiguring the CAVE
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    reconFIGURING the CAVE
  • The Royal Road
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Royal Road
  • Scottish Sorrow
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Scottish Sorrow
  • Selfportrait with eiffeltower
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Self-Portrait with Eiffel Tower
  • Sonus Lux
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Sonus Lux
  • Dante cupboard
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    The Dante Cupboard
  • Video Narcissus
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Video Narcissus
  • Video Studio
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Video Studio
  • We Are Like Vapours
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    We Are Like Vapours
  • ZKM Karlsruhe / YOUbiläumsbrowser
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    ZKM Karlsruhe / YOUbiläumsbrowser
  • EVE
    Shor, Shirley
  • Landslide
    Shor, Shirley
  • Sing, Johann Kaspar
    Calendar of the Bishopric of Eichstaett
  • The Value of Art
    Sommerer / Mignonneau, (collective)
    The Value of Art
  • Storer, Johann Christoph
    Devine Wisdom, announcement of the defenses of theses at the University of Dillingen
  • Storer, Johann Christoph
    Saint Catherine of Alexandria
  • Study of a torso
  • Study of head, hand and foot
  • Study of male and female heads