installations (445)

Artist / DB / Year
  • sentient (being)
    Skocek, Laura
    sentient (being)
  • reconfigure(d) - object 2
    Skocek, Laura
    reconfigure(d) - object 2
  • Forced Leisure
    Skocek, Laura
    Forced Leisure
  • mímesis
    Simó, Agueda
  • Microworlds. Sirens and Argonauts
    Simó, Agueda
    Microworlds, Sirens and Argonauts
  • Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream
    Simó, Agueda
    Experimentelle Untersuchung Fraktaler Strukturen im Virtuallen Raum, Plato's dream
  • Endocytosis, Evolving from a Flat Land into a Three-dimensional World
    Simó, Agueda
    Endocytosis, Evolving from a Flat Land into a Three-dimensional World
  • Interactive Video Kaleidoscope
    Sims, Karl
    Interactive Video Kaleidoscope
  • ZKM Aussenkennung
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    ZKM Aussenkennung
  • Word Play
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Word Play
  • Wild Panoramic Navigator
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Wild Panoramic Navigator
  • We Are Like Vapours
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    We Are Like Vapours
  • Water Totems
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Water Totems
  • Video Studio
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Video Studio
  • Video Ball
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Video Ball Sculpture
  • Three Pavilions
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Three Pavilions
  • Dante cupboard
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    The Dante Cupboard
  • Televents
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Telepresent Onlookers
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Telepresent Onlookers
  • Teardrop
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • Staircase
    Shaw, Jeffrey
  • The Royal Road
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Royal Road
  • Remaking the Confucian Rites
    Shaw, Jeffrey
    Remaking the Confucian Rites
  • Rainbow
    Shaw, Jeffrey